Sigma Instrument Methods – Gentle, Precise, Preferred
Achieving Wellness with a New Chiropractic Technology

The Sigma Instrument Method is gentle, precise and preferred by most patients.
The Sigma Instrument is a revolutionary new technology used by the doctors of Chiropractic Associates of Port Colborne to accurately measure the fixation of the spine and treat health disturbances related to the spine and nervous system.
A signal is sent into the vertebrae to check motion, it is reflected back to a piezoelectric crystal, which measures the force, sending it to the computer for interpretation.
By using the Sigma Instrument, we are equipped to provide you with the most advanced Chiropractic technology in existence today. This cutting-edge tool is an advanced Chiropractic instrument for both spinal analysis and spinal adjustment. The system is driven by a sophisticated software package, designed to help us comfortably and accurately locate and treat spinal problems.
What Should I Expect to Feel?
When your doctor places the instrument over the spine, a barely perceptible impulse is introduced into the vertebrae by a computer sensor. You feel only a “light click” when this is done. The response is instantaneously reflected back to a piezoelectric crystal and sent to the computer for interpretation. This gives your doctor valuable information about the characteristics of the vertebrae and tissues in ways that could never be done before. Your doctor uses this information to help determine the most appropriate treatment for your condition.
Treatment is delivered to the body through the same sensor head that is used for assessment. During the treatment phase, your doctor applies the instrument over the spine or other areas of your body. You feel a light tapping sensation that continues for several seconds until the desired response has been achieved. The computer automatically ends the treatment the moment your tissues have responded.
What Makes the Sigma Instrument Superior to Other Approaches?
The Sigma Instrument can help your doctor isolate a problem area faster and more precisely than can be done manually. It uses space age technology to determine if each spinal vertebra is in proper alignment, so the nervous system is free to effectively transport nerve impulses throughout your body. The Sigma Instrument uses the same type of technology that allows engineers to determine weakness and stress in the walls of spacecraft.
How Does it Compare to Traditional Adjustments?
Treatment with the Sigma Instrument puts all your fears of manual Chiropractic treatment to rest. The Sigma Instrument is gentle, with no popping or cracking sounds. It offers treatment that is on target, precise and easy on the body every time.
How Can the Sigma Instrument Be So Gentle?
The Sigma Instrument utilizes a precise oscillating force with uninterrupted motion. It is able to increase the mobility of the spinal segments by reducing or eliminating the fixations. It uses soft tips, that are comfortable to the human body to exert a tapping force that “unsticks” the joint.
By the way, if this approach makes as much sense to you as it does to us, we’d like an opportunity to meet you and discuss your options in person.